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Commercial Hotel, KOJONUP, WA

Your rating: None Average: 1.8 (5 votes)
(08) 9831 1044‎
About Commercial Hotel: 

The Commercial Hotel is the oldest current licensed hotel in Western Australia
If you want to escape the stresses of city living and relax amongst beautiful countryside lush with wild-
flowers and alive with wildlife, there can be few other better places than Kojonup and the Kojonup
Commercial Hotel will give you old fashioned service and hospitality. Enjoy our warm and friendly
service with a full range of meals and wide selection of local wines. Please enter and have a browse
and see what we can offer you.

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Comments (1)

hailey's picture

hailey (not verified)

hi there,

I am coming to Katanning in September for 3 months and I am looking for work!
i have plenty of retail, and customer service experience. I have experience with general cooking aswell.

I am willing to work any amount of hours, and i dont mind filling in for people.

if anything comes up please email me!


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